Executive and operational committees

Executive committee


Quentin Ladetto

Quentin Ladetto is responsible for the technology foresight program – also known as deftechdefence future technologies– withinarmasuisse Science and Technology (Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport – DDPS). He created this entity and has been piloting it since 2013.

After a doctorate in geomatics from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (
), Quentin joined Safran Vectronix AG to market the pedestrian navigation system developed during his thesis. The product has been successfully selected as a component of the US military Land Warrior program.

Before joining armasuisse, he worked with various start-ups in the development of hardware and software solutions for the fields of Internet mapping, vehicle and asset management via the Internet of Things (IoT).

Quentin holds an Executive MBA in Finance from HEC Lausanne and a degree in Technology Management fromIMD.

He is the co-founder of theatelierdesfuturs.org and a founding member of the association Futurs.

Vice President

Thomas Gauthier

Thomas Gauthier is Professor of Strategy atemlyon business school. He is also a director of the New Generation Internet Foundation (FING), member of the scientific council of
Futuribles International
and Associate Fellow at the
Geneva Centre for Security Policy

He teaches strategy and foresight and conducts research on the theme of anticipation. Thomas was previously Senior Research Scientist at Philips Research in Eindhoven and Director of Clinical Research at Philips Healthcare in Seattle.

In September 2020, he published “Prospective: Anticipating, deciding and acting in uncertainty” at
Presses de l’EPFL

He holds an MD from
Imperial College
London, a Master of Science in Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an engineering degree from the
École supérieure de physique et chimie industrielles
in Paris.

He is the co-founder of theatelierdesfuturs.org and a founding member of the association Futurs.


Isabelle Chappuis

Isabelle Chappuis is a specialist in the Future of Work at HEC LausanneUniversity of Lausanne. An economist by training – with a degree from theUniversity of St. Gallen -, an expert in continuing education, a futurist, an independent administrator and an author, she is passionate about the future and the place of the human being within it.

Isabelle is particularly interested in the importance of identifying the skills that individuals need to develop today to thrive tomorrow.

She is president of the women’s section of the political party Le Centre Vaud.

She is a founding member of the association Futurs.

Operational committee

Gisèle Berthet

Caroline Mayor

Isabella de Magny

Muriel Rubin

Yannick Chevailler